Research & Publications by our Faculty and Graduate Students
Books and Monographs
Leonard, David and Stephanie Tourtman (Eds.). 2021. Race in American Television: Voices and Visions That Shaped a Nation. Greenwood Press.
Lopez-Lopez, Sonia. 2021. Differentiating instruction for heritage speakers of Spanish (Order No. 28493363). Available from Dissertations & Theses @ Washington State University WCLP; ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I.
Navarro-Daniels, V. C., Ortiz Lorca, M. 2021. En la elocuencia del silencio. Edición crítica de la obra poética de Marta Ortiz Lorca. Valparaíso: Ediciones Universitarias de Valparaíso (EUV). Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso.
Refereed Book Chapters and Journal Articles
Arellano, Francisco. 2021. “Entre la CO2lonización, las epidemias y la crisis climática”. Revista de la Universidad de México. Vol. 874-875. pp. 60-65.
Cao, Weiguo. 2021. Translation, annotation, and commentary of Chapter 71 of The Grand Scribe’s Records. William Nienhauser, Jr., ed., Bloomington: Indiana University Press. pp. 257-285.
de Quintana Lasa, Begoña. 2021. “El lenguaje sagrado del movimiento: sensualidad y misticismo femenino en la obra de Nellie Campobello” (“The Sacred Language of Movement: Sensuality and Feminine Mysticism in the Work of Nellie Campobello,”) in Femenino singular. Revisiones del canon literario iberoamericano contemporáneo. pp. 55-72.
Ginsburg, Samuel. 2021. “Bombs, Bodies, and Ghosts: Navigating Rhetorical Legacies of Nuclear Technology in Recent Caribbean Science Fiction,” Mitologías Hoy.
Liu, Xinmin. 2021. “Introduction” to co-edited volume of essays entitled Embodied Memories, Embedded Healing: New Ecological Perspectives from East Asia. Edits by Xinmin Liu and Peter I-min Huang, Lexington Books. pp. 1-13.
Liu, Xinmin. 2021. “Conclusion” to co-edited volume of essays entitled Embodied Memories, Embedded Healing: New Ecological Perspectives from East Asia. Edits by Xinmin Liu and Peter I-min Huang, Lexington Books, November 2021. pp. 267-272.
Lugo-Lugo, Carmen R. and Mary K. Bloodsworth-Lugo. 2021. “Social Death in the Times of a Pandemic” in Special Issue “Peace Conflict and Justice in the Time of Pandemic” published by Peace Review. Vol. 33.1. pp. 17-23.
Navarro-Daniels, V. C. 2021. “La amante fascista, de Alejandro Moreno Jashés: un viaje delirante a la oscura noche de Chile”. La mirada opuesta: voces de victimarios en la literatura latinoamericana contemporánea. Ciudad de México (DF): Bonilla Artigas Editores. pp. 53-75.
Navarro-Daniels, V. C. 2021. “’Sobreviviremos como dos robinsones’: la pérdida de referentes sociopolíticos como disolución del sujeto en ‘La muerte mientras tanto’, de Ignacio Martínez de Pisón”. Crear entre mundos: nuevas tendencias en la metaficción española. València: Albatros Ediciones. pp. 145-165.
Streamas, John. 2021. “Not Down but Different: Depression in the Shadow of the Black Dog.” Re/Visioning Depression: Creative Approaches to “Feeling Bad.” Ed. Julie Hollenbach and Robin Alex McDonald, 2021. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 39-50.
Other Publications
Ross, C. A. Blog (2021, April 12). “We Cannot Be Moralists.” Coffee with Chuck.
Ross, C. A. Blog (2021, February 4). “Changing the Neoliberal World Through Solidarity.” Coffee with Chuck
Ross, C. A. Blog (2021, January 1). “2021: Freedom From the Culture.” Coffee with Chuck.
Serrot, Kyle. 2021. “Has the Future of Queer Arrived? Montero as Utopia” An Injustice Magazine.
Serrot, Kyle. 2021. “Cost of Overturning Roe v. Wade.” An Injustice Magazine.
Streamas, John. 2021. “Parallel Waters” (poem), in High Desert Journal No. 32. Spring.
Streamas, John. 2021. “Golden Years” and “Shelter Out of Place” (poems), in Tales from Six Feet Apart, online anthology from īO Journal. 28 Feb 2021.
Conference Presentations
Diehl, Andre. 2021. “’Tell me I’m a good man,’: An Open Letter to Tom Hanks Concerning History, Politics, and the Authorship of Narrative” New England American Studies Association Conference.
Ginsburg, Samuel. 2021. “‘Estuvo delicioso’: La sexualidad extraterrestre, el jineterismo, y el turismo sexual en la ciencia ficción cubana contemporánea” Latin American Studies Association, virtual format.
Ginsburg, Samuel. 2021. “In this bleak abyss: The Speculative Autobiographical Writings of Carmen Maria Machado and Esmé Weijun Wang.” American Comparative Literature Association, virtual format.
Hubert, Mike. 2021. “Grammatical avoidance in the university world language classroom: Instructor beliefs and practices.” American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference, virtual format.
Hussein, Amanda. 2021. «Amor traicionero: La reescritura de tres heroínas, Juana la Loca, Inés Suárez y doña Marina» Congreso 2020, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
Li, Yipeng. 2021. “Chinese Investment in Hollywood: New Mode” The 4th International Symposium on the Humanistic Foundation and Cross-cultural Understanding of Sino-U.S. Relations.
Martin, Spencer. 2021. “Seeing through the Cracks: Local Latino Perspectives in a Global Pandemic”. (Re)Framing Knowledge: Critical Approaches to Scholarly Literacy XX Hispanic and Lusophone Conference University of California, Santa Barbara.
Navarro-Daniels, Vilma. 2021. “The Radical ‘Other’ as the Guardian of Memory: Body, Voice, and Dissent in Sebastián Lelio’s A Fantastic Woman,” Latin American Studies Association (LASA), virtual format.
Navarro-Daniels, Vilma 2021. “’We will survive as two Robinsons’: The Loss of Sociopolitical Referents as the Dissolution of One’s Own Subjectivity in Ignacio Martínez de Pisón’s ‘La muerte mientras tanto’ [‘Death meanwhile’],” International Conference on Literature and Hispanic Studies (CILH), Lock Haven University, Lock Haven, PE.
Ross, Charles. 2021. “Supreme Lessons as Taught by Dave East- A Guide for Mentors to follow: A tool to Empower Black Male Students” roundtable for the Interdisciplinary Conference on Men and Masculinities, virtual format.
Ross, Charles. 2021. “I Am Black Ambition”: An Exploration of Jay Z and Pharell’s Entrepreneur as a Praxis for Social healing Driven by ‘Black Capitalist Activism” Southwest Popular American Culture Association Annual Conference, virtual format.
Skinner, Claudia. 2021. “’Do you want to form an alliance with me?’: Sapphic techno-corporeal communities on TikTok during COVID-19” for the Cultural Studies Association Conference, virtual format.
Streamas, John. 2021. “Atomic Bombs as Race Weapons: Nuclear Family Dysfunctions,” International Conference on Hate Studies, Gonzaga University, virtual format.
Streamas, John. 2021. “Steering Around the Transpacific in the Contemporary American Nuclear Imaginary,” Association for Asian American Studies annual conference, virtual format.
Webber, Insook. 2021. “Trauma, Repetition and the Real in Marie NDiaye’s Ladivine.” The Literature of Shock/La Littérature de choc, RMMLA, Oct 14-16, 2021.
Keynote Addresses
Arellano, Francisco. 2021. “El Capitaloceno: una historia radical de la crisis climática”. Seminario de Filosofía de la Economía. UNAM/Instituto de Investigaciones Filósoficas. Mexico City. August 30.
Arellano, Francisco. 2021. “Cuerpo y Antropoceno: ¿cómo percibir lo que nos rebasa?”. ACT: Coloquio Ecologías Cerebrales: diálogo entre neurociencias, arte y cultura. UNAM. México City. June 23.