WSU Celebrates Indigenous Peoples’ Day 2019


Last year, WSU President Kirk Schulz signed a proclamation that every second Monday in October would be recognized as Indigenous Peoples’ Day. The celebration started today with a teepee set up on the steps of Todd Hall. Other activities included a table with fliers and trivia games to help educate about Indigenous people. Miss Pah-Loots-Puu, Jaissa Grunlose opened the noon ceremony, along with the Waahpp Qagun drum group. They performed a Flag Song, and then did some circle dance songs, which everyone was invited to join.

Zoe Higheagle Strong is Executive Director for Tribal Relations and Special Assistant to the Provost. She is from the Nez Pearce tribe. She addressed the crowd, as well as Faith Price, Director of Native Student Services. She is from the Wampanoag tribe(Massachusetts). She’s been serving our native students since 2012. Close to 600 Native students are enrolled this year.


In collaboration with Ku-Ah-Mah Native Student Association, the Hillside Cafe presented an Indigenous Celebration lunch.


A flyer handed out listed 10 ways to celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day

  1. Support Indigenous art and attend the One Heart Native Arts and Film Festival in Spokane this weekend Oct 18-20! Check out
  2. Eat Indigenous foods at Hillside Cafe for lunch today with ASWSU Ku-ah-mah!
  3. Uphold treaty rights and obligations when voting this coming election.
  4. Learn about whose land you live(d) on. Check out
  5. Go out of your way to acknowledge Indigenous existence.
  6. Educate yourself on current Indigenous issues such as MMIW, NoDAPL, Mauna Kea, NICWA.
  7. Learn your rights and use them to protect others.
  8. Respect Indigenous knowledge and ways of knowing.
  9. Pencil in your planner to attend the ASWSU Ku-ah-mah Rounddance Nov 2 at Gladish Community Center! Dinner starts at 5:30
  10. Do your part and research more specifically how you can be a better ally to Indigenous Peoples. Check out the WSU Native American Women’s Association’s informative page on land acknowledgments and tribal sovereignty:

Bonus) Sign up to take an American Indian Studies course Spring semester!

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