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Maria Serenella Previto (Sere)

Maria Serenella PrevitoAssociate Professor of Spanish, Career Track – Teaching
Head of Section, Spanish



Maria Serenella Previto (M.A., University of Connecticut) earned her master’s degree in Italian Literature from the University of Connecticut in Storrs, Connecticut. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Business from the Universidad Santa María (Escuela de Negocios de Valparaíso – Adolfo Ibañez). She also holds a certification in Studio Art from the Capital Community College in Hartford, Connecticut.
Here at WSU she is professor of Italian and Spanish.

In Spanish, she teaches courses of listening and conversation, and grammar and composition at the intermediate level. She teaches courses for the professions (for business and for health professionals), and is in charge of coordinating the instructors of conversation courses.

Refereed Articles and Book Chapters
  • Vilma C. Navarro-Daniels and Maria Serenella Previto, “La narración del pasado: sus olvidos y sus silencios. Una lectura de Hermanas de sangre de Cristina Fernández Cubas” (“The Narration of the Past: Its Oblivions and Its Silences. A Reading of Cristina Fernández Cubas’s, Blood Sisters”.) ZUR. Revista de literatura. 4. (2023). Forthcoming. ISSN: 2452- 5624
Presentations at International Conferences
  • December 2022. Previto, M. S. and Navarro-Daniels, V. C. “La maternidad como tragedia: una lectura de Julieta de Pedro Almodóvar.” 31st International Conference of the Association of Gender and Sexuality Studies, “Feminist Futurities: Doing, Thinking, and Imagining in Times of Crisis.” Association of Gender and Sexuality Studies (AGSS) and Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso (PUCV), Valparaíso, Chile.
  •  July 2022. “Del oscurantismo a la Ilustración: una interpretación de The Others, de Alejandro Amenábar.” 3rd International Conference, FEmale Creators in Literary and Intercultural Education. “Universitat de València, Spain.
  • July 2020. “FEmale Characters and Women’s Agency in Guillermo del Toro’s Filmography.” II CICELI, 2nd International Conference, FEmale Creators in Literary and Intercultural Education. Universitat de València, Spain, València.
  • July 2019. “Contrapunto caribeño: raza e identidad nacional en ‘Pollito Chicken’ y ‘La llamaban Aurora’.” 29th International Conference of the Association of Gender and Sexuality Studies (AGSS). Universitad de València, Spain.
  • March 2019. “Hablar en el silencio: The Shape of Water (2017) de Guillermo del Toro.” CINE-LIT IX: An International Conference on Hispanic Film and Fiction. Portland State University, University of Oregon, and Oregon State University, Portland, Oregon.
  • September 2018. “Voz y pacto de silencio: Una lectura de Hermanas de sangre, de Cristina Fernández Cubas.” 28th Annual International Conference of the Association of Gender and Sexuality Studies (AEGS). University of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois
  • November, 2017. “ ‘Porque tu canto sabe adónde va perfectamente’: Violeta Parra, a 100 años de su nacimiento.” 27th Annual Conference of the International Association of Hispanic Women Literature and Culture (AILCFH). Santo Domingo, República Dominicana. Forthcoming.
  • November, 2016. “Ana María del Río, cuentista: Cruzar fronteras entre lo erótico y lo político.” 26th Annual Conference of the International Association of Hispanic Women Literature and Culture (AILCFH). Sponsored by The University of Houston. Houston, Texas.
  •  February, 2015. “Nuevos imperialismos-Nuevas resistencias: La conquista revisitada de Icíar Bollaín en También la lluvia.” CINE-LIT VIII: An International Conference on Hispanic Film and Fiction. Portland State University, University of Oregon, and Oregon State University. Portland, Oregon.
  • March, 2014. “From Spanish Conquest to Neo-Imperialism: Hero’s Fight in Icíar Bollaín’s, Even the Rain.” THE IMAGE OF THE HERO (Heroine, Anti-hero, Villain) In Literature, Media, and Society. 23rd  Annual Conference of the Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery. Antlers Hilton Hotel, Colorado Springs, Colorado.
  • February, 2011. “El monolingüismo como elemento de la identidad del macho ibérico en Te doy mis ojos de Icíar Bollaín.” CINE-LIT VI: An International Conference on Hispanic Film and Fiction. Portland State University, Portland, Oregon.
Presentations at National Conferences
  • April, 2000. “Diceria dell’untore di Gesualdo Bufalino come testimonianza di una retorica.”Conference of the American Association of Italian Studies (AAIS). New York City, NY.
  • May, 1999. “Costruzione del tempo della fuga nel Partigiano Johnny di Beppe Fenoglio.” 19th Graduate Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Cincinnati.
Presentations at Regional Conferences
  • October 2023. Previto, M. S. and Navarro-Daniels, V. C. “Envejecimientos disidentes: viudez, libertad y sexualidad en La nave del olvido de Nicol Ruiz Benavides.” 120th Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA) Conference. Portland, Oregon
  • April, 2016. “When Reading, Listening, and Speaking Successfully Meet Culture.” Practice-Oriented Session. The Palouse Language and Culture Symposium. Uiversity of Idaho, Moscow.
  • April, 2015. “On The Wings Of A Song: Popular Music In The Language Classroom.” Practice-Oriented Session. The Palouse Language and Culture Symposium. University of Idaho. Teaching & Learning Center. Moscow, Idaho.
  • October, 2014. “Film, Our Best Ally in the Language Classroom.” Panel and Workshop. WAFLT Conference, “Reaching Global Competence.” Vancouver, WA / Hilton Vancouver Washington.
  • October, 2013. “Cultural Translation in the Language Classroom.” Panel and Workshop. WAFLT Conference. Yakima / Red Lion Hotel and Yakima Convention Center.
  • October, 2010. “Revisiting the Communicative Approach to the Teaching of Foreign Languages.”  Panel and Workshop. WAFLT Conference. Seattle-Tacoma Doubletree Hotel, Seattle.
  • October, 2009. “’Moodleing’ the Foreign Language Class or How to Create a Virtual Learning Environment that Really Works.” WAFLT Fall Regional Conference. Spokane, Washington.
  • March, 2007. “Teaching Foreign Languages for the Professions: Medical Spanish.” WAFLT Spring Regional Conference. WSU, Pullman.

Contact Professor Previto

Thompson 124D


Courses Taught
  • SPAN 101, 102 Elementary Spanish
  • SPAN 203, 204 Intermediate Spanish
  • SPAN 105 Elementary Conversation
  • SPAN 307 Intermediate Speaking and Listening
  • SPAN 311 [ARTS] Studies in Latin American Film
  • SPAN 361 Spanish for the Business Professions
  • SPAN 362 Spanish for Health Professions
  • SPAN ED 299-1 Summer Institute, Intensive Spanish Language and Culture First Semester
  • SPAN ED 299-2 Summer Institute, Intensive Spanish Language and Culture Second Semester