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School of Languages, Cultures, and Race College of Arts and Sciences


The School of Languages, Cultures, and Race will cultivate deeper understandings of linguistic, cultural, national, social, and racial perspectives in a global context. It will encourage its constituencies to make a difference by commitment to these themes in our changing world through undergraduate and graduate education, scholarship, activism, and outreach.

It will also foster critical literacy, intercultural engagement, and the pursuit of global justice through a grounded, multi-disciplinary engagement and inquiry. Its perspectives on transnational, cultural, and social studies will provide students with the skills, experiences, and knowledge necessary to develop transdisciplinary understandings about society, culture, and the world in ways that will allow them to thrive in an increasingly diverse and multifaceted global society.

Mission and Goals

The School of Languages, Cultures, and Race houses faculty in the humanities and the social sciences utilizing intersectional and transdisciplinary approaches with an array of shared interests and a mission that centers on intellectual and critical discourse related to cultures and their products and productions around the globe.

The school seeks to advance social justice and the transformation of societies, including the effects of culture, popular culture, and media on race and ethnic relations. It also seeks to advance understandings about the social production and influence of languages and cultural practices around the globe.