Enabling Chinese Pinyin for Traditional Chinese
The following symbol in the bottom right hand corner of your screen may indicate you have other language keyboards installed on your system. If you do not see it, don’t worry, we will fix that. These instructions and images are for Windows 7 but Windows 8 instructions are very similar.
Illustration 1
You can cycle through the various keyboards by using the key command ALT+SHIFT (or WINDOWS KEY+SPACE). If you have a Chinese keyboard installed, you might see something like this:
Illustration 2
To install a new input language, follow the next steps.
1. Open your control panel. This can be done from Start -> Control Panel or you can type into a Windows File Explorer location bar, “Control Panel.”
Illustration 3
2. Under “Clock, Language, and Region” click on “Change keyboards or other input methods.”
Illustration 4
3. Then click the “Change keyboards…” button.
Illustration 5
4. Then click the “Add…” button.
Illustration 6
5. Mark the check box for the desired language and click OK till you have closed all the windows. You should now have the new keyboard installed.
Illustration 7
6. Switch to the Chinese keyboard on your system and click the option menu to access its options.
Illustration 8
7. Select the “Traditional Chinese” option and click OK.
Illustration 9
For more details or alternatives you can check Pinyin Joe’s site.
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